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Friday 13th - Jason Vorhees
IT - Pennywise (Modern)
Horror - Beetlejuice (Body)
Scream - Ghostface
Child's Play - Chucky (Body)
The Shining - O'Grady Twins
The Exorcist (Body)
IT - Pennywise (Classic)
Skeletor (Body)
Hellraiser - Pinhead
DC - Batman & Joker (1 each)
Scooby-Doo - Pop-Out Ears
Friday 13th - Jason (Tiled)
Marvel - Venom (Body)
Monsters Inc. - Mike
Simpsons - Homer Bush
Marvel - Deadpool (Body)
DC - The Joker HA HA HA
TMNT - The Gang
Toy Story - Alien
Family Guy - Brian